Format Guide


  1. String Lookup
  2. Variables
  3. SelectFormat
  4. PluralFormat
    1. Plural Offset
  5. Formatters
    1. date and time
    2. duration
    3. number
  6. Nesting
  7. Escaping

This guide aims to provide an introduction to ICU MessageFormat syntax, as supported by this project.

Each of the sample messages is shown first as MessageFormat source, and then with a JS result. Except where otherwise specified, the msg function may be determined as follows:

import MessageFormat from '@messageformat/core';

const mf = new MessageFormat('en');
const msg = mf.compile(msgSrc);

String Lookup

The simplest case of MessageFormat involves no formatting, just a string passthrough. This may sound silly, but often it’s nice to always use the same message formatting system when doing translations, and not everything requires variables.

This is a message.
msg(); // 'This is a message.'


The most common way to use MessageFormat is for simple variable replacement. MessageFormat may look odd at first, but it’s actually fairly simple. One way to think about the { and } is that every level of them bring you into and out-of “literal” and “code” mode. Whitespace (including newlines) is ignored when not in literal mode.

By default (as in the previous example), you are just writing a literal. Then the first level of brackets brings you into one of several data-driven situations. The most simple is variable replacement.

Simply putting a variable name in between { and } will place that variable there in the output.

His name is {NAME}.
msg({ NAME: 'Jed' }); // 'His name is Jed.'


SelectFormat is a lot like a switch statement for your messages. Often it’s used to select gender in a string. The format of the statement is {varname, select, this{...} that{...} other{...}}, where varname matches a key in the data you give to the resulting function, and 'this' and 'that' are some of the string-equivalent values that it may have. The other key is required, and is selected if no other case matches.

Note: Comparison is made using the JavaScript == operator, so if a key is left out of the input data, the case undefined{...} would match that.

{ GENDER, select,
    male {He}
    female {She}
    other {They}
} liked this.
msg({ GENDER: 'male' }); // 'He liked this.'
msg({ GENDER: 'female' }); // 'She liked this.'
msg({}); // 'They liked this.'


PluralFormat is a similar mechanism to SelectFormat, but specific to numerical values. The key that is chosen is generated from the specified input variable by a locale-specific plural function.

The numeric input is mapped to a plural category, some subset of zero, one, two, few, many, and other depending on the locale and the type of plural. English, for instance, uses one and other for cardinal plurals (e.g. “one result”, “many results”) and one, two, few, and other for ordinal plurals (e.g. “1st result”, “2nd result”, etc). For information on which keys are used by your locale, please refer to the CLDR table of plural rules.

For some languages, the number of printed digits is significant (e.g. “1 meter”, “1.0 meters”); to account for that you may pass in the number using its stringified representation of the number (as produced by String(n)).

Matches for exact values are available with the = prefix, e.g. =0 and =1.

The keyword for cardinal plurals is plural, and for ordinal plurals is selectordinal.

Within a plural statement, # will be replaced by the variable value, formatted as a number in the current locale.

{ COUNT, plural,
    =0 {There are no results.}
    one {There is one result.}
    other {There are # results.}
msg({ COUNT: 0 }); // 'There are no results.'
msg({ COUNT: 1 }); // 'There is one result.'
msg({ COUNT: 100 }); // 'There are 100 results.'
You are { POS, selectordinal,
          one {#st}
          two {#nd}
          few {#rd}
          other {#th}
        } in the queue.
msg({ POS: 1 }); // 'You are 1st in the queue.'
msg({ POS: 33 }); // 'You are 33rd in the queue.'

Plural Offset

To generate sentences such as “You and 4 others added this to their profiles.”, PluralFormat supports subtracting an offset from the variable value before determining its plural category. Literal/exact matches are tested before applying the offset.

{ ADDS, plural, offset:1
  =0 {No-one has added this}
  =1 {You added this}
  one {You and one other person added this}
  other {You and # others added this}
msg({ ADDS: 1 }); // 'You added this.'
msg({ ADDS: 2 }); // 'You and one other person added this.'
msg({ ADDS: 3 }); // 'You and 2 others added this.'


MessageFormat includes date, duration, number, and time formatting functions in the style of ICU’s simpleArg syntax. They are implemented using the Intl object defined by ECMA-402. Be aware that even relatively recent versions of browsers may have incomplete or non-standard support for all advanced features used by the date and number formatter skeletons.

See alse Custom Formatters for an extension of the spec provided by this library.

date and time

For simple cases, both date and time support the parameters short, default, long , and full. For more precise date and time formatting, use date with a ::-prefixed DateFormat skeleton string like {T, date, ::hamszzzz}

It is now {T, time} on {T, date}
msg({ T: }); // 'It is now 11:26:35 PM on Mar 30, 2018'
{sys} became operational on {d0, date, short}
msg({ sys: 'HAL 9000', d0: '12 January 1999' }); // 'HAL 9000 became operational on 1/12/1999'

Date and time formatting is of course locale-dependent, so using the Finnish 'fi' locale, we would have:

Nyt on {T, date}, klo {T, time}
msg({ T: }); // 'Nyt on 30. maalisk. 2018, klo 23.26.35'


Represent a duration in seconds as a string.

It has been {D, duration}
msg({ D: 123 }); // 'It has been 2:03'
msg({ D: -151200.42 }); // 'It has been -42:00:00.420'


Supported simple parameters are integer, percent , or currency. For more options, use a NumberFormat skeleton string. Most NumberFormat patterns are also supported.

{N} is almost {N, number, integer}
msg({ N: 3.14 }); // '3.14 is almost 3'
The total is {V, number, ::currency/GBP unit-width-narrow}.
msg({ V: 5.5 }); // 'The total is £5.50.'


All types of messageformat statements may be nested within each other, to unlimited depth:

{ SEL1, select,
  other {
    { PLUR1, plural,
      one {1}
      other {
        { SEL2, select, other {Deep in the heart.} }


The characters { and } must be escaped with 'quotes' to be included in the output as literal characters. Within plural statements, # must also be similarly escaped. The utility function MessageFormat.escape may help with this.

'{' {S, plural, other{# is a '#'}} '}'
msg({ S: 5 }); // '{ 5 is a # }'
import MessageFormat from '@messageformat/core';

const mf = new MessageFormat('en');

const rawSrc = 'Use {var} for variables';
const raw = mf.compile(rawSrc);
raw(); // TypeError: Cannot read property 'var' of undefined

const msgSrc = MessageFormat.escape(rawSrc);
const msg = mf.compile(msgSrc);
msg(); // 'Use {var} for variables'

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