Expression type

This API is provided as a beta preview for developers and may change based on feedback that we receive. Do not use this API in a production environment.

Expressions are used in declarations, as selectors, and as placeholders. Each must include at least an arg or an annotation, or both.


export type Expression<A extends Literal | VariableRef | undefined = Literal | VariableRef | undefined> = A extends Literal | VariableRef ? {
    type: 'expression';
    arg: A;
    annotation?: FunctionAnnotation | UnsupportedAnnotation;
    attributes?: Attribute[];
    [cst]?: CST.Expression;
} : {
    type: 'expression';
    arg?: never;
    annotation: FunctionAnnotation | UnsupportedAnnotation;
    attributes?: Attribute[];
    [cst]?: CST.Expression;

References: Literal, VariableRef, FunctionAnnotation, UnsupportedAnnotation, Attribute, cst