icu-messageformat-1 package


Function Description
getMF1Functions() <p>(BETA) Build a MessageFormat runtime to use with ICU MessageFormat 1 messages.</p><p>The structure of this runtime and the options available for its formatters follow the MF1 specifications, rather than being based on the MF2 default runtime.</p>
mf1ToMessage(source, locales, { strict, …opt }) <p>(BETA) Compile an ICU MessageFormat 1 message into a MessageFormat instance.</p><p>A runtime provided by getMF1Functions() is automatically used in these instances.</p>
mf1ToMessageData(ast) <p>(BETA) Convert an ICU MessageFormat 1 message into a Message data object.</p><p>If the source message contains any inner selectors, they will be lifted into a single top-level selector.</p><p>Only literal values are supported in formatter parameters. Any such value will be passed in as an option { param: string }.</p>

Type Aliases

Type Alias Description
MF1Options (BETA)